canweedoit – Terms and Conditions of Use
Last updated: April 28, 2021, in use from May 28, 2021
Welcome to (“Website“). This website is owned and operated by canweedoit (“Company” or “canweedoit” and collectively “we“,”us“, “our“). In addition to the content on the website, the services provided include various shopping, e-commerce or/and community services (“Services“). Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms“) carefully before using our website and services. If you chose to pursue the continued use of our services after having the opportunity to read these Terms, you acknowledge that canweedoit has created and supplied certain Services such as this Website free, and in exchange for you agreeing the Terms and Conditions explained here. If you do not agree, please avoid our Services and exit the Website as soon as possible. We reserve the right to modify or amend the Terms for time to time with a 30 day (1 month) notice, subject to applicable laws. That being said, we will attempt to be as transparent as possible and provide notice when these changes occur. Your continued use of our Services following a change in Terms and Conditions of Use will mean that you accept these changes. It is your responsibility to keep updated with our policies. Additional terms and conditions may apply to the purchase of products, such as our Terms of Sale Policy and our Privacy Policy (“Agreement“).
Ground Rules
- Eligibility: You are only eligible to use this platform if you are of legal age in your province or territory.
- Rules of Registration: When you register an account with canweedoit, the following conditions shall be respected by the user.
- Be Honest: Provide the necessary and accurate information while using this platform and keeping it up-to-date.
- Registration Restrictions: Keep your registration information personal. Do not share an account with someone else. Do not register more than one account. Do not register an account on behalf of someone else or transfer your account.
- Security: Keep your information secure. Your account is yours and nobody else’s. Do not share information nor sabotage sensitive account information such as address, phone, usernames, passwords etc.
- Your Responsibility: It is your responsibility to inform canweedoit of any unauthorized use of your canweedoit account. You are responsible for anything that happens through your canweedoit account and its activity. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CANWEEDOIT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACTIVITY AND/OR ANY LOSS THAT RESULTS FROM THE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF YOUR ACCOUNT.
- Website Limitations: The Website depends on the Internet, including networks from third-party providers to maintain the platform not within our control impacting performance, speeds, reliability, availability, use or consistency of the Website as a commercial platform and network. As such, we cannot guarantee any minimum level of function regarding the performance, speeds, reliability and availability, consistency and data security as data, information and material sent through the internet may not be completely private resulting in the non-guarantee in maintaining your privacy and anonymity.
Ownership of Content
- Platform Content: Except for User Content (explained below), all Platform Content present on the Website, including but not limited to; logos, icons, trademarks, text, graphics, photos, moving images, sound, illustrations, software, music, articles, animations, and other Content- is owned by canweedoit and those we license Content from, and is protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other laws. canweedoit reserves all rights not expressly described in these Terms. Unless indicated, you are authorized to view, play, print, download Content found on the Website for personal, informational, non-commercial purposes only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivatives from, transfer or sell/profit from any Content including intellectual property (such as programs, ideas, concepts) from canweedoit. You may only use Content when obtaining the explicit consent of canweedoit. The use of Content in any other platform, Website, network, computer environment is prohibited. You may not remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other Content found on the Website.
- User Content and Code of Conduct: Here are a few basic rules.
- Permissions: You may only post User Content to the Website if you have all rights to make the User Content available, including the consent of individuals (whom are legally entitled to handle cannabis in their respective province/territory) who appear or are mention in your Content.
- User Safety: Do not engage any actions which may expose canweedoit or its users (including yourself) to any harm such as anything that might disrupt, damage, disable, tamper with, overburden or limit functionality to the platform, cause a loss for a certain party. Do not post User Content that contains software viruses, programs or other computer code and do not outwit or modify any Website software or security technology. Do not post personal information openly to the platform (you + other users) as it is a public space. Do not collect any data from the Platform. Do not use bots, program scanning, data mining or similar data gathering methods. Do not use automated technology to interact with the platform. Do not post any advertising or solicitation/commercial Content or accept payment from a third party in exchange for performing commercial services. You may not impersonate any person or organization.
- Be Appropriate: Respect the Platform and its users. Respect the community. Do not post content from other websites, link a website, do anything; illegal, misleading, malicious, harassing, inaccurate, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate or which violates any applicable laws. canweedoit has the right to preview, monitor, remove User content – yet we are not forced to do so.
- User Generated Content: All Content produced by Users of the Website including but not limited to – all opinions, remarks, text, music, videos, questions, links, and other forms of posts and Content do not represent the views of canweedoit (including any individual associated with canweedoit) as we have limited control over what users can create. In no event will the User represent (directly or indirectly), canweedoit’s endorsement of User generated content. canweedoit does not consider the accuracy/credibility nor vouches for any User Content in our Website and as a result, we will not assume responsibility nor be held liable for any actions you may take as a result of viewing User generated Content. Through your use of our Services, you may be exposed to User Content deemed offensive, objectionable, harmful, inaccurate,false, misleading, deceptive. There may also be risks of dealing with underage persons, people impersonating others, trade issues and foreign meddling. By using our Services, you assume all associated risks that may arise during your use.
- Posting Content: You have the right to post Content on our Website. It is part of our Services offered. In doing so, you grant canweedoit a non-exclusive perpetual, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide licence to use any of the User Content that you post in our Platform for any purpose, including commercial use, which includes the right to translate, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, sub-licence and assign these rights. This includes any person, activity, event that appears in the User Content, any concepts or ideas (intellectual property) presented in posts contained in User Content. You warrant that all “moral rights” in the Content you post will be waived by you. canweedoit may in its sole discretion remove or modify any User generated Content for any reason. You understand that any User Content (including deleted) may persist in our systems and as it is be displayed publicly which may result in the Content being held by other Users. Deletion of account and User Content can be requested at any time considering the applicable law.
- License to Use Comments, Feedback and Ideas: You understand that any comments, feedback, ideas, intellectual property and etc you send to use are assumed to be non-confidential and you grant canweedoit a perpetual worldwide license to use all comments, feedback, ideas, intellectual property and etc. This means we may (without notice) use this User Content without notice, compensation, acknowledgement in was such as but limited to: creating/modifying/improving Content/Services/products/marketing/research.
Copyrights, Trademarks and Infringements
- Rights: This Website and all of its elements, including but not limited to: Content, design, text, images, etc may be protected by copyright, moral rights, trade mark, database rights or other laws with correlation to intellectual property and other rights. Whether registered or not, all Content produced by canweedoit are considered property in the form of trademarks, copyright. Unless explicitly permitted in these Terms of Service, no Content, Website portion/function/design element may be copied, transmitted, transferred, modified under any circumstance via any means as it is property of canweedoit. In the event where you use, download, modify, edit (etc) Content or Software from our Website, you understand that the ownership of Content belongs to canweedoit and we will retain full and complete ownership of that content (including intellectual property rights). You may not profit, manipulate, dissemble, edit or use Content as your own in any form otherwise.
- Copied Work: If you believe we may be copying Content on our platform, please let us know. Consult legal services beforehand as there may be penalties for false claims and wasted time. canweedoit reserves the right to terminate accounts, services and access to those who infringe third party copyrights, trademarks, use of Content, etc. Please provide us with the following contact information such as name, address, phone, email, proof of content ownership, description of copy content, description of location on our platform, statement made by you (as owner or as acting on behalf of the owner of content) that the information is accurate, complete and you acknowledge that this statement is made under penalty of perjury which may result in consequences for false information. Please send complaints in our contact tab.
- Third Party Content: This Website may contain links, articles, Content that isn’t operated nor owned by canweedoit. We are not responsible for any Content/information located on other Websites nor do we endorse, represent, or make warranties based on Content owned by third parties. If you decide to view Content from other Websites, you are doing so out of your own will and risk. Please remember that other sites may have different policies such as Terms of use, privacy policy, Terms of sale, etc and to inform yourself before using them.
Brand Protection
- Unauthorized Use, Misuse and Website Security: You are prohibited from using our Website and Services in a malicious or unintended way that may cause damage to the canweedoit brand. This includes but is not limited creating/ posting, unlawful, defamatory, pornographic, profane, unpleasant, diabolical, inappropriate, unsuitable, inauspicious, deleterious, dastardly material. You also agree to be held liable for any Terms of Use violations at your own expense which may include but is not limited to civil, criminal and economic penalties. You acknowledge we may take any action required to minimize damage created, such as the removal of Content, materials, accounts associated. We will also cooperate with applicable law and authorities or court orders/subpoena requesting identity disclosure of individuals causing damage.
- Limitation of Liability: We hope you find our platform of use, but we must protect ourselves from any potential damages and costs that may arise from your use. You agree that our obligation is to present the Website with its functions. We are not responsible nor will be held liable to you (or third parties) for your activity and use or inability of use regarding Services offered except for certain exemptions such as negligence, carelessness, gross misconduct or violation of consumer protection laws in connection to the Services we provide. canweedoit and those associated will not be liable to you or third parties for any indirect/consequential loss in the form of profits, data, business activities from the ability or inability to use Services, products provided. You understand you assume total responsibility with the use of this Platform. This includes but is not limited to the use of the Website, Content, linked sites. You understand that the course of actions you must undertake in the event of a problem with our services is to cease using Services. In the event of a problem with our products or services, you agree that your solution is, if any, to contact the manufacturer/supplier of such products or services in accordance with their warranty, or to seek a refund in accordance with policies present on this website. In no event shall our liability exceed the value of your purchase on the Website. Some jurisdictions may disallow exclusion of certain damages under the law, so some exclusions/limitations may not apply to you.
- Indemnity: You agree to indemnify canweedoit, protect and hold it innocuous from any and all liabilities, costs and expenses. This includes but is not limited to attorney fees, related to violations of Terms, misuse of Services, violation of law/rights of third parties. You also agree to release any (literally anything and everything) claims, demands, charges assigned to canweedoit in the event connected to a dispute.
- Force Majeure: No party shall be responsible for damages, delays, Service failures in an event beyond reasonable control. This includes but is not limited to: fires, explosions, power surges, war, revolution, civil unrest, government related issues, changes of applicable law, shortages of fuel, electricity, raw material security, workforce security, etc.
- Disputes and Resolution: *Disclaimer* Consumer protection laws might require your agreement to be governed by your local jurisdiction and applicable laws, heard by competent courts. Except where prohibited by law, any claim, cause or issue with the Website (Content, Products, Services) must be addressed within one year (365 days) of the incident where a claim/cause occurs. Discussing an issue with us is preferred as we may resolve the issue between ourselves effectively.